Friday, July 24, 2020

The August 2020 NILAG meeting has been canceled.  The church where our guild meets is currently not scheduling any gatherings due to COVID.  We  hope that everyone is safe at home and creating beautiful quilts.  We hope to see you soon.

Friday, May 22, 2020

June 2020 Meeting is canceled

We are sorry to announce that the June 6th, 2020 meeting has been canceled. We hope that everyone working on their  challenge quilt and staying "safe at home".  We hope to be able to meet soon.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

CHALLENGE REMINDER:  While we are all at home working on various quilting projects during this social-distancing time, we want to remind all members about the June Quilt Challenge.


Size:  24 by 24 inches

Prizes will be awarded..  We hope to have enough entries to display them at a local gallery.  This would help promote the guild.

So...what is YOUR happy place?

Saturday, March 14, 2020

In an effort to decrease exposure to Covid-19 and corresponding implications, the April 4th NILAG meeting has been canceled.  Our concern for our members and attendees is our greatest concern.  The church has canceled all meetings.  We will post any updates as soon as we have them.  

Friday, January 31, 2020

February 2020

The Calendar page has been updated with the 2020 program schedule.

Please join us this Saturday Feb 1st, 2020  Sarah Evans will share "Rita's Quilt".  In September 2019, Sarah Evans volunteered to longarm a quilt which was an unfinished estate sale find.  By November the project had garnered nationalmedia attention.  Sarah will tell us about her quilt preparation of over vintage blocks embroidered by 100 different artists.  She will share her process of creating Rita's Quilt from inspiration to completion.  Sarah Evans is a designer, piecer, quilter and teacher of textile arts who has been quilting for over 15 years.